went back and forth all week on this one, had a few different ideas about what i wanted to do with it. i have some other sketches i want to post here soon, but i really wanted to post before tomorrow.
so guess the concept is trouble, it could have worked for danger as well, god i hated when she'd ask those questions, there was only one answer she'd actually believe and even if i thought it (which id didnt) there would have been hell to pay for saying it.
another response ive heard jokingly is: honey its not the shirt it's your body that makes you look fat...
no i didnt laugh either, i just kinda smiled a little.
seriously, ladies, please dont ask your partners this question, no matter how insecure you feel, there is not good that will ever come of this.
and guys stop asking if youre a good size "down there", if you are, you know, if youre asking youre probably not.
(just trying to keep it fair.)
...life lessons. Does this comment make me seem, bored?
btw, nice illUstratiOn!
danke! i really love what you are doing on your site!
hahaha! funny! yea... I know what you mean but I dont think anyone actually asks that (second) question in real life... not after highschool anyway :D
Like the contrast effect.
i think that, as far as i have gathered, talking to my friends, both male and female, you underestimate the male sense of insecurity regarding his... stuff
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