
week 34: superhero

i didnt want to do this one. i fought with it, i probably should have colored it.

four color traditional style,

i was, for two and a half years, a dad.

i helped my ex raise a beautiful girl fron the age of one and a half to four.

and K had at some point bought a wonder woman pajama suit for C...

and the two years that we went to wonder con, and ape, C would wear this "costume" to the convention.

and it was a huge draw, everyone wanted to have a pic taken with her.

funny-ish story about her first con, one of the guys dressed up as a stormtrooper accidently stepped on her foot which caused her to remember, months later , while watching episode 4, how the mean man in white hurt her... it was an issue at the 06 con when she saw the troops on the floor.


here is a pic i took of C and ms. monster.

i really miss her, i really miss being a father, a dad, a superhero.


Anonymous said...

OH - she is so sweet. That must have been very difficult to end your relationship because of the little girl. It probably broke her heart too.

CryptKicker said...

I feel your pain. If co-misery or empathy are any help, I was in the same position. Not knowing anything about your situation, I do know there will never be anything that hurts quite as much as ending a relationship with a kid because the grown-up one didn't work out.

Great art and blog.