
week 43: snap

i was thinking about making this a couple of panels long, but then it wouldnt be work safe. lets say that the reprisal was disproportionate to the transgression.

guys, a note: bra snapping leads to blunt trauma to the head/neck/chest/ groin area.

also im not so thrilled how the art turned out on this one, i may redraw it later.

p.s. week 43 out of 52. w00t!


i wish i had a penguin friend said...

I like the art on this one... I also really like the composition

(and my mom used to do that to me as a teenager... it is pretty infuriating)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a great artist. I really like the look of your blog and the drawings. Keep up the good work.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

I like your idea a lot, and I like your characters.

Tony LaRocca said...

come on, ladies are ALWAYS impressed with bra-snapping!