Hi Patrick, I don't get this one but I hope you are doing fine. Just wanna stop by to say hi and bring you some warmth. ;) Take care, JJ. (so you delievered a J babe, eh?)
hey there i didnt delver a the baby, i heard from a fried that an ex had a baby.its good to hear from you, and im honored that you keep coming back to the site!
hehe... honored, eh? :)What's up with the glasses? You look different, much grown up. I like your work, keep it up. You are talented. Things will get better,OK? As long as you keep faith and believe in yourself good thing will come.Take care, Jei.
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Hi Patrick,
I don't get this one but I hope you are doing fine.
Just wanna stop by to say hi and bring you some warmth. ;)
Take care,
JJ. (so you delievered a J babe, eh?)
hey there j.
no i didnt delver a the baby, i heard from a fried that an ex had a baby.
its good to hear from you, and im honored that you keep coming back to the site!
hehe... honored, eh? :)
What's up with the glasses? You look different, much grown up.
I like your work, keep it up. You are talented. Things will get better,OK? As long as you keep faith and believe in yourself good thing will come.
Take care,
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