
week 18 (48): sneaky

i had to think long and hard about this one, hence the "eleventh hour" entry. but here it is.

some days i find myself washing dishes in  the sink, or watching television shows... and more and more rarely at the movies.

and it happens without any reason, i begin to cry.

its embarrasing as hell but there i am weeping.

for whatever reason this sense of something sneaks up on me and im spilling tears over brad pitt getting younger, clint eastwood sacrificing himself to take out a hmong gang, tom hanks eating a box of choclates, zach braff ending a series or one page out a book by george r. stewart, towards the end of the novel mind you...

anyway, i cry.

and i wish i knew what it was that mede me react so strongly so that i could figure out what the hell is wrong with me.

but if i knew all that i probably would have a story that would make some one else cry and they would have no idea why.


Josh F said...

I have had these days/moments.. Not so much recently, I honestly remember having such crying jags when I was in a depression. More often than not they seemed to be not so much related to the book, movie, or most often for ME: song that set me off, as they were to my general state of misery and loneliness. But even still.. the tears helped somehow.
Crying is healthy, just like laughter. Tears just aren't as fun.

Tami Cohen said...

that happened to me when i was pregnant. i suppose that's not the case with you