
week 10: capture

hooray! week ten is done, nearly a fifth of the way finished!

this is a big thing, i usually get bored, lose interest, and give up on projects and never follow through.

this week i wanted to focus on something kinda different, i wanted to feel happier than i have been so i tried focusing on positive thoughts. i also wanted it to be open, is that his heart or someone elses?

im not sure if ive decided yet.

the first thoughts i had about this topic was that of photographs, i had drawn a piece some time ago and redid it a few months back.

i was going to do some variations of this but then whilei was out on the fire escape sketching the idea of the net struck and about two minutes later, there it was.

i guess thats about it.


Unknown said...

like it! love the simplicity of your drawing style!

Unknown said...

thank you for your commenting, im happy that you like my work

claudine hellmuth said...

wonderful illos! love your style.

Unknown said...

thank you! im digging your style as well, it has a vintage feel to it, very nice

Unknown said...

hey thanks for stopping by and commenting.

as for your thoughts on the guy looking like someone, im glad, im trying to make the people in the drawing generic or iconic or something like that, so that people can identify with them and hopefully bring their own experiences with them when they look at my work