
week 21 (51): phenomenon

And then she has the gall to ask me what I want.
What I want...
I don’t see how this fucking matters.
And through the shock anger shows its face.
I say OK.
Say you know what I want.
I say I want to be with you.
I say I want to grow old and change with you.
I say that I want to love you and…  and…
I begin to cry, and then she starts crying as well and I feel like an asshole.
I reach out to hold her, to comfort her and she pulls away.
I watch her cry and realize we’re weeping for two different reasons, me for us and her for herself.
Deep down this hurts worst of all.


Linda Hensley said...

Interesting bit of writing. Glad you managed 2 years of happiness.

Tami Cohen said...

ugh. this makes my stomach hurt on your behalf.

Joshua Fountain said...

Still as powerful as when I first heard it.
Love you man!