i was sitting in the coffee shop, a bad conversation was coming to an end, among everything else that was running through my head was 'another coffee shop ruined for me'. another was that the noise in my head was matched by the beating of my heart and the background din.
there was so much that i wanted to say, it all tried to come out at once and got stuck in my mouth, so i didnt say anything.
i got up, left and threw the coffee i had bought in the trash and walked a block down to the bar where i chain smoked, had a few beers and did crossword puzzles trying not to fall apart.
well thank you for the nice comments, i will publish your post and people can decide if they want to check out your blogs, however i am more interested in linking art related sites.
good luck with your blogs.
your illo does a good job in reflecting that story. your style is very distintive i really like it
btw: good reply to above :)
thank you, it really means alot that you enjoy my work
Its really cool looking. I mean you've blended the character so seamlessly with the background. It looks like he's physically walked out of there!
I like your style as well. And of all things I really enjoy your backgrounds best, they really accentuate your characters. Your style definately expresses your emotion and experience. It's a pain I can relate to having been there before myself. There is one thing we can say for pain though, it creates incredible art work.
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